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by Curtis Miles, Ed.D. and Robert Hackworth, Ed.D.

Each of us has a unique set of attitudes, motivations, and beliefs. Those values shape your actions. Life101 is designed to make you aware of how they effect your decision-making. You have choices! And they are directly related to your destiny.

You will reply to 54 statements on the basis of how you react to them. There are no good-bad answers; just an attempt to draw a clear picture of how you normally act in a variety of circumstances. The aim is to clarify in your own mind the likelihood that you will be successful in your endeavors.

With these thoughts in mind, take Life101, and see if there’s anything you might or might not want to change. Enjoy this opportunity for learning something about yourself.

You are to read each statement and then select a response according to the following key:

To help you decide which responses to select, we would like to explain what is meant by each term.

By Not at all typical of me, we do not necessarily mean that the statement would never describe you, but that it would be true of you only in rare instances.

By Not very typical of me, we mean that the statement generally would not be true of you.

By Somewhat typical of me, we mean that the statement would be true of you about half the time.

By Fairly typical of me, we mean that the statement would generally be true of you.

By Very much typical of me, we do not necessarily mean that the statement would always describe you, but that it would be true of you almost all the time.

Choose the correct box below.

Before you begin it is important to know whether you have taken Life101 previously.

First Administration

If this is your first time taking Life101, enter your school number and user code into the space below and click the “Submit” button to continue.

Second Administration

If you are taking this assessment for the second time (Post-Test), enter your school number and your student key into the spaces below and click the “Take Post-Test” button.

* Note: Your student key was issued the first time you took Life101. If you misplaced your student key, your advisor/instructor can look it up for you.